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Sabot-Sabot by Phylum: Analysis

Analysis of The song,” Sabot-Sabot” by Phylum

#31 Kerren Faith Paden August 16, 2011

BSE-4 Mr. Mark E. Labuntog PhD.,

The song,” Sabot-Sabot “is a Visaian song from our Filipino visaian singers- Phylum. As I had read in the web, they are Cebuano people and of course they are from Cebu. Phylum members are ka-berkz (peers) who had their share of ups and downs having grown up at a common neighborhood. Despite a helping of bitter memories, some dreams that never found their way yet, heartbreaks, and other hurt feelings. But they manage to lean on to the promise that music has this ability to change lives for the better. And so they began getting serious about penning songs and executing these in live musical performances to express a collection of emoticons that are as funny and witty, cruel and cunning, passionate and driven as their personalities. Like most struggling musician-performers, they had their share of being booed, laugh at, and jeer at.

Sabot – Sabot is about a guy and a girl who had an affair with the condition that once the girl’s boyfriend comes back from somewhere they’d end it. When the boyfriend returned, the guy actually ended the relationship as agreed and hoped that he will be able to forget the unique kind of happiness he felt whenever he’s with her. But wait there’s more! Now the guy feels hurt every time he sees the girl and the boyfriend together and asks the usual universal question:

Why only now?

Cheesy na kung cheesy, but the singer’s voice captured all the requirement emotion to convey the song’s message. The song also has a good fade and flow melody that carries the listener to the depths of the hurting guys pain.

Now, I used the Moral/Intellectual approach from the website It stated there that this approach is concerned with content and values, used not only to discover meaning, but also to determine whether works of literature are both true and significant and to study literature from this perspective is to determine whether a work conveys a lesson or a message and whether it can help readers lead better lives and improve their understanding of the world.

Like the song, “Sabot- Sabot”, it taught me a lesson to love only one person and to evaluate my brain and my heart of whom I truly love and to whom will I ever give my heart to. I can really relate with the song because it happened to me once like playing love with the person who’s the rival of my boyfriend. And we had this agreement that we are not “uyab” if my boyfriend will come from Davao whom his parents don’t know me yet. And this guy(my second boyfriend) introduced me already with his parents and they are so good to me , inviting me in every event of their family gatherings and treating me like their daughter thinking that we just met for a short period of time unlike the long time that I had with my first boyfriend. This story is present until now. That is why I can say that this song is relevant and true as characterized in the approach I used.

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